Trimble Outdoors AcutimeTM2000 Synchronization Kit TV Antenna User Manual

Acutime 2000 Synchronization Kit User Guide A-3
A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
DOUBLE (8 byte REAL) is sent as a series of eight bytes (a, b, c, d, e,
f, g, h); it has a precision of 52 significant bits, a little better than 15
The TSIP protocol is the primary protocol used by the Ace UTC and
Acutime 2000 receivers. This document describes in detail all TSIP
packet identification codes, the format of each packet, and all
available information that can be output from the Ace UTC and
Acutime 2000. This manual allows the user to configure the receiver
to output information required for a particular application. The
receiver transmits some of the information (position and velocity
solutions, etc.) automatically when it is available, while other
information is transmitted only on request.
A.2 Physical Interface Characteristics
The Ace UTC and the Acutime 2000 utilize high-quality serial I/O
components to drive the available serial transmit and receive
The Acutime 2000 is available in RS-232 and RS-422 configurations,
while the Ace UTC utilizes single-ended technology the proven in a
long series of embedded board-level receiver products.
Regardless of the physical transmission medium, the receiver
architectures allow both products to achieve identical performance,
while the firmware offers a proven standardized interface.
The Ace UTC’s I/O capabilities differ from those of Acutime 2000 as
a result of physical differences, between the two boards. Some
options in the serial port configuration packet 0xBC are not
applicable to either Ace UTC or Acutime 2000 and are labeled as
This section is provided to provide the user with a complete
understanding of the capabilities of each receiver.