MCX-2000 Owner’s Manual
Wireless LAN
1 Wireless LAN
If you use the wireless functions in your MusicCAST network (or you have a client wirelessly communicating with the
MCX-2000), specify ON to enable the wireless access point feature built into the MCX-2000.
ESS ID is a name of the wireless network configured by the MCX-2000 wireless access point feature, and WEP Key is a
password for clients to log onto the network. If you’re using a wireless access point for PC networking, MusicCAST
clients only connect to the wireless access point created by MusicCAST servers including the MCX-2000. Since each
MusicCAST server is preconfigured with unique ESS ID and WEP Key values, you normally don’t need to change them.
n The MCX-2000 supports a 104-bit WEP key (precisely, a 128-bit long key with initialization data), which is equivalent to 13 ASCII characters. If your
‘password’ is less than 13 characters, the MCX-2000 will internally complement it. In addition, the MCX-2000 doesn’t support hexadecimal WEP
3 Channel
The Channel parameter is used to avoid radio interference between the MCX-2000 and a device that uses the same
2.4 GHz radio signal range (such as microwave oven, wireless handset, or other wireless access point). You don’t need
to change the Channel value unless you’re experiencing a problem such as interrupted playback of streamed music or
unstable wireless networking.
When you complete necessary settings, select OK at the bottom of the screen. When the “Network rebooting...”
message is shown and your settings are stored, you will return to the Advanced Settings menu.
n If you want to access the MCX-2000 from a wireless computer to edit names or titles (page 76), install a wireless access point in your PC
network. The wireless access point feature built into the MCX-2000 is available only for MusicCAST clients registered to the MCX-2000
(through automatic or manual configuration).