Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Columbia 350/400
Approach Mode (GPS, VAPP or LOC)
The Approach mode acquires and tracks the selected
navigation receiver on the HSI (GPS, VOR or LOC). This
mode uses the selected navigation receiver deviation and
desired course inputs to fly the approach. The Approach
mode provides greater sensitivity for VOR tracking than
Navigation mode, and allows the autopilot to fly an ILS
approach with a glideslope.
NOTE: While using Approach mode, the
Glideslope mode is automatically armed when
LOC mode is selected on the HSI.
Glideslope is active
Flight Director
command bars
indicating descent
on Localizer/
Glideslope path
Approach Mode is active
LOC2 is the
active navigation
receiver on the
Figure 6-18 Approach Mode
If the CDI is not centered (deviation >1 dot) when the
Approach mode is selected, the mode is automatically
armed. The armed annunciation appears in white to the
left of the active roll axis mode.
See the Example Procedures Using AFCS section for
more information.
Go Around (GA)
Go Around mode maintains a wings level, 7 degree
nose up attitude for instances where the pilot wishes to
execute a missed approach or go around. Figure 6-14
depicts the Go Around mode on the PFD.