Pausing Live Television and
Recorded Shows
The Hard Disk Recorder’s pause feature lets you attend to
interruptions without missing a moment of your favorite television
shows. You can pause whatever you’re watching: recorded Replay
shows or live television.
Press PAUSE while you’re watching a live
television show or a recorded show.
• An on-screen message notifies you how much pause
time remains.
• Press DISPLAY to see how far you are behind the live
show. To avoid screen burn in, press EXIT to dismiss
the on-screen displays. See “Screen Burn In” on page
53 for more information.
When you return from your interruption,
press PLAY to resume watching from
where you left off.
• You can also press RETURN TO LIVE if you want
to catch up with the live broadcast.
Press REW (Rewind) after you have
watched a show for a while.
• Press REW multiple times to select one of five rewind
levels (level 1, which displays the rewind symbol on
the screen, followed by 2x, 4x, 16x, and 20x).
• The show will begin playing when you reach the point
where you started watching the show.
• Rewinding stops when you press PLAY, STOP, or FF.
Using Rewind and Fast Forward
The Hard Disk Recorder records what you want it to record. It also
records live television when you start watching a show. If you’re
watching a live show, you can rewind to the point where you first
started watching. Then, turn around and quickly move ahead using
Fast Forward.
Press FF (Fast Forward) to go forward in the
• Press FF multiple times to select one of five fast-forward
levels (level 1, which displays the fast forward symbol
on the screen, followed by 2x, 4x, 16x, and 20x).
• The Live symbol will display on your screen when you
have caught up with the live show.
(Fast Forward)
Using Stop
Stop works very much like pause. You can use stop while
watching a live television broadcast or when watching a
Replay show. Pressing STOP displays a Hard Disk Recorder
screen, rather than “freezing” the image of the show you’re
watching. Even though you press STOP, you can still return
to where you left off in the live broadcast or Replay show by
pressing PLAY, or press RETURN TO LIVE to catch up
with a live broadcast.
• When you pause a live broadcast, it continues to record
on the hard disk.
• When recording begins, the pause screen is cancelled.
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