C662M-E (5/03) 57
The DX9000 system can interface to the CM9760 matrix. It can integrate with the CM9760-DT, CM9760-ALM, and CM9760-REL.
You can configure the I/O (input/output) integration feature to send and receive events to the external devices.
The CM9760-DT data translator translates the ASCII protocol to the P protocol of the CM9760 matrix switch.
The CM9760-ALM alarm unit is an input device with 64 ports. You can connect up to four alarm units to each DX9000 recorder.
The CM9760-REL relay unit is an output device with 64 ports. You can connect up to four relay units to each DX9000 recorder.
The DX9000 sends events to the relay unit and the data translator. The data translator then sends the events to the CM9760
matrix. The events sent are internal events only, such as VMD, Manual, Signal On, and Signal Off.
The DX9000 receives events from the alarm unit. The events are divided into two groups.
Group 1
These are events that are not generated by the system, such as Set Event and Reset Event. These events are generated by
devices such as the alarm unit and have no special meaning for the system. They are translated to either External 1 or External
2 by the I/O Manager before they are recorded in the database and transmitted to the viewstation.
Group 2
These are events that are generated by the system, such as Video Motion Detection Event, Signal Detection Event, No Signal
Detection Event, and Manual Event. These events have a specific meaning in the system. They are not translated. They reach
the viewstation and are recorded in the database.
NOTE: If the DX9000 receives an unrecognized event, the event is ignored. Events External 1 and External 2 are not valid input
events and can be generated only by the I/O Manager in response to events in Group 1.
Each DX9000 recorder has two I/O configuration applications: I/O Handler and I/O Manager.
I/O Handler Configuration
This application allows you to configure the device that the recorder will work with. The I/O Handler can work with a maximum
of two devices at the same time. Each device has its own configuration.
I/O Manager Configuration
This application is the interface between the recorder and the I/O Handler on the same system or over the network. It can work
with several recorders with two devices on each recorder. Each channel has the ability to receive up to two external events at
the same time from two different inputs. Each of the events is marked with a different color. The device is marked as External 1
and External 2 based on the configuration. Each channel can send an event to a single output.