Menu Configuration and Basic Menu Operations
OTHERS menu (with the DXC-D50 series)
Menu 2ndary menu Submenu Control item Function
Adjusting White Shading • R To adjust the V white shading (vertical variation of the white) of the
R signal
• G To adjust the V white shading of the G signal
• B To adjust the V white shading of the B signal
Camera Camera ID CAM ID IND To turn the camera ID display ON/OFF while the camera is in Color
Bars mode
Clock IND Switching of the clock indication
Cam: To always display the clock indication
Bars: To display only when the camera color bars are displayed
Off: No clock indication
• Char To select characters when entering a camera ID (alphanumerics,
symbols, and space)
• Cur To move the cursor when entering a camera ID (eight characters)
ID SET To register the entered camera ID
Center Marker Center Marker To turn the center marker ON/OFF
Safety Zone To set the safety zone (90%/80%/OFF)
Screen Mode
Screen Mode To select the Screen mode (4:3/16:9)
Diag Req To request camera’s self-diagnostic data (available only when any
abnormality has been detected during self-diagnosis)
Reset To erase the camera’s self-diagnostic data
• Sel To display the data read from the camera in order (No display when
no abnormality has been detected during self-diagnosis)
Bars Bars Type To select the type of color-bar signals:
File Scene Trans CAM->MS To transfer a scene file (from the camera to the Memory Stick)
MS->CAM To transfer a scene file (from the Memory Stick to the camera)
Copy to Slave To copy the status of the master unit to slave units
RCP Config RCP Buzzer • Call To set the volume of the call buzzer
Adjusting Volume • Touch To set the responding sound volume of the touch panel
• Switch To set the confirmation sound volume of the self-illuminating
• Master To set the total buzzer sound volume
Call Buzzer To turn the call buzzer ON/OFF
Touch Click To turn the responding sound of the touch panel ON/OFF
SW Click To turn the confirmation sound of switches ON/OFF
All Off To turn the volume of all the buzzers ON/OFF
LED Bright • Switch To set the brightness of respective LEDs
• Tally
• Other
• Master To set the brightness of the all LEDs of the unit
RE Setting BLACK/FLARE To select the function for the BLACK/FLARE knob
Black: Black balance adjustment
Flare: Flare balance adjustment
VR Setting VR STD Mode To select the initial settings for IRIS or MASTER BLACK
adjustment mode: Absolute or Relative
VR Rel. Scale IRIS VR
To select the response rate of the IRIS knob (relative-value
adjustment rates: 1/1, 1/2, and 1/4, where 1/1 is the quickest
response position)
a) The item “Screen Mode” is displayed when Screen Md Enable is set to ON with Security of RCP Config on the OTHERS menu.