Control item Function
Option 1 To turn the option control function 1 ON/OFF
Option 2 To turn the option control function 2 ON/OFF
• Focus
To adjust the focus
• Zoom
To adjust the zoom
• Pan
To adjust panning of the tripod head
• Tilt
To adjust tilting of the tripod head
a) The item “Lens/Pan” is displayed when Pan/Tilt Enable is set to ON with Security of RCP Config on the OTHERS menu.
b) To control the lens from this unit, the optional focus zoom servo unit and the interface unit for the camera adapter and lens are required.
c) To control the tripod head from this unit, an electric tripod head and the interface unit for the camera adapter and tripod head are required.
OTHERS menu (with the DXC-D30/D35 series)
Menu 2ndary menu Submenu Control item Function
Adjusting White Shading • R To adjust the V white shading (vertical variation of the white) of the
R signal
• G To adjust the V white shading of the G signal
• B To adjust the V white shading of the B signal
Camera Camera ID CAM ID IND To turn the camera ID display ON/OFF while the camera is in Color
Bars mode
Clock IND Switching of the clock indication
Cam: To always display the clock indication
Bars: To display only when the camera color bars are displayed
Off: No clock indication
• Char To select characters when entering a camera ID (alphanumerics,
symbols, and space)
• Cur To move the cursor when entering a camera ID (eight characters)
ID SET To register the entered camera ID
Center Marker Center Marker To turn the center marker ON/OFF
Safety Zone To set the safety zone (90%/80%/OFF)
Screen Mode
Screen Mode To select the Screen mode (4:3/16:9)
Diag Req To request camera’s self-diagnostic data (available only when any
abnormality has been detected during self-diagnosis)
Reset To erase the camera’s self-diagnostic data
• Sel To display the data read from the camera in order (No display when
no abnormality has been detected during self-diagnosis)
Bars Bars Type To select the type of color-bar signals:
File Setup File To store/retrieve a setup file
Copy to Slave To copy the scene files to slave units
RCP Config RCP Buzzer • Call To set the volume of the call buzzer
Adjusting Volume
• Touch To set the responding sound volume of the touch panel
• Switch To set the confirmation sound volume of the self-illuminating
• Master To set the total buzzer sound volume
Call Buzzer To turn the call buzzer ON/OFF
Touch Click To turn the responding sound of the touch panel ON/OFF
SW Click To turn the confirmation sound of switches ON/OFF
All Off To turn the volume of all the buzzers ON/OFF
a) The item “Screen Mode” is displayed when Screen Md Enable is set to ON with Security of RCP Config on the OTHERS menu.