Operating the Equipment Locally
Page 4-78 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
Orbital Position Option
To access the Orbital Position option, press the Orbital Position softkey in
the Delivery Descriptor Menu.
This enables the orbital position of the satellite to be specified.
Table 4.87: Orbital Position Options
Valid Input Range Description
Min: 0.0°
Max: 360.0°
Step Size: 0.1°
If the specified orbital position is outside the valid input range, a
confirmation screen is displayed which shows the maximum/minimum
value allowed.
West East Option
To access the West East option, press the West East softkey in the
Delivery Descriptor Menu.
This enables the satellite west/east flag to be specified to indicate whether
the satellite position is in the western or eastern part of the orbit.
Table 4.88: West East Options
Selected Option Description
West Satellite position is in western part of the orbit.
East Satellite position is in the eastern part of the orbit.
Polarisation Option
To access the Polarisation option, press the Polarisation softkey in the
Delivery Descriptor Menu.
This enables the polarisation of the satellite transponder to be specified.
Table 4.89: Polarisation Options
Selected Option Description
Linear - Horizontal Satellite transponder uses linear horizontal polarisation.
Linear - Vertical Satellite transponder uses linear vertical polarisation.
Circular - Left Satellite transponder uses circular left polarisation.
Circular - Right Satellite transponder uses circular right polarisation.
4.11.8 Output Format = Satellite Modulator (IF Output)
IF Output Option
To access the IF Output option, press the IF Output softkey in the
Satellite Modulator Menu. This enables the IF output to be switched On
or Off.