AMD Confidential
User Manual November 21
, 2008
Chapter 7: Device Configuration 117
Ignore INTR for one instruction
User execution breakpoints exist
A latched SMI from within an SMI
An SMI edge has been detected
An NMI edge has been detected
An APIC message is waiting to be handled
Any other APIC activity is pending
DR7 has code breakpoints enabled
Set if previous. instruction did I/O
Table 7-8: Internal Execution Control Flags
7.22.4 Limitations
Any line in XTR XML file cannot be greater than 255 characters.
Comment start tag "<!--" should start on a new line and end tag "-->" should be
last characters on a line.
The XML attributes are case sensitive but the values are not.
XTR cannot be used to playback BIOS bring-ups.
Currently XTR does not support Pacifica platform.
Currently XTR traces recorded off SimNow cannot be played back in other XTR
playback environments.
Although not needed, XTR traces recorded by SimNow might contain data
written by the CPU, e.g. IOW.
7.22.5 Example XTR XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<AmdEventTrace version="1.0">
<Init Device="DIMM" Type="MEMI" Size="536870912" />
<Init Device="MEM" Type="MEMI" File="xtr1.bin" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="ICount" Data="227" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RIP" Data="0000000082D6A8E4" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RAX" Data="0000000000628E01" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RBX" Data="000000000B0BE41C" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RCX" Data="000000000B080E20" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RDX" Data="0000000000000080" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RSI" Data="0000000000C8FA38" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RDI" Data="000000000B09A6B8" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RBP" Data="000000000B0BEFE0" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="RSP" Data="00000000B043ADCC" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R8" Data="0000000000000000" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R9" Data="0000000000000000" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R10" Data="0000000000000000" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R11" Data="0000000000000000" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R12" Data="0000000000000000" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R13" Data="0000000000000000" />
<Init Device="CPU0" Type="CPU" Item="R14" Data="0000000000000000" />