AMD Confidential
User Manual November 21
, 2008
Appendix A 239
Displays the current AMD-8111 configuration.
A.7.15 EHC
1 simnow> ehc.usage
log (enable | disable) {mp}
Enables or disables Memory (m) and PCI Configuration
(p) logging.
A.7.16 Journal
1 simnow> journal.usage
Returns „Super Block Size‟, „Index Block Size‟, „Index
Levels‟, „Disk Block Size‟ and „Maximum Disk Size‟.
SetParam <Super Block Size>
<Index Block Size> <Index
Levels> [ <Disk Block Size> ]
A.7.17 CPU
1 simnow> cpu.usage
LoadAnalyzer <analyzer_file>
Loads the analyzer „analyzer_file‟ with specified
arguments „args‟).
Shows all loaded analyzers.
EnableAnalyzer <num> <0|1>
Enables (1) or disables (0) analyzer specified by „num‟.
Unloads analyzer specified by „num‟.
MCAFault <bank>
<GenerateMCAFault(0|1)> <Status
Reg> <Address Reg>
Causes a generic MCA fault if GenerateMCAFault is
true (1) at specified Bank, AddressReg and status.
Use product file to set fuses and configure CPU and
Sets or disables and enables code generator settings and
options. Command must be one of the commands shown
in Table 15-13. Args depends on the command
parameter, see Table 15-13.
DumpProfile [<blocks-to-dump>]
This command is limited to showing a profile of blocks,
without symbols, based on the current epoch. For more
information please refer to Section A.7.17.1, “Profiling
in SimNow”.
A.7.17.1 Profiling in SimNow™ Technology
Here is an example use of the profiling command and its output: