Chapter 3 Powering On the System 55
▼ To Connect to the System Console
Output from POST, OpenBoot, and the Solaris OS is displayed in the system console
using the network console on the service processor.
● Type the start /SP/console command.
Multiple users can be connected to the console, but only one can be attached.
Note – For more information about POST output, refer to the SPARC Enterprise
T5120 and T5220 Servers Service Manual.
▼ To Perform a Normal System Initialization
After you issue the start /SYS command, the CPU and memory controllers
initialize, and eventually OpenBoot initializes. After a number of system console
messages, the ok prompt appears, or the system will boot into the Solaris OS.
Note – System behavior depends on how the auto-boot variable is set. See the
SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 Servers Service Manual for more information.
The following example output is a small section of the complete output.
-> start /SP/console
Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
Serial console started. To stop, type #.
-> start /SYS
Find dropin, Copying Done, Size 0000.0000.0000.1110
Find dropin, (copied), Decompressing Done, Size
0000.0000.0006.06e0 cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu
cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu
cpu vpci mem32base, mem64base, cfgbase: e800000000 e000000000
pci /pci@780: Device 0 pci pci
/pci@780/pci@0: Device 0 Nothing there
/pci@780/pci@0: Device 1 pci pci
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device a Nothing there
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device b Nothing there