parse the value of that environment variable. The most
likely cause is a problem with the content of the
variable. For example, it might require quotation marks
because the command contains special characters, or
the command might contain an unbalanced set of
quotation marks.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Correct the value of the environment
variable and enter the command again.
5016-010 One or more required command options
are missing.
Explanation: You entered a command that has
required command options. You did not specify one or
more of the required command options.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Review the command syntax and enter
the command again.
5016-013 Value ″value″ is too long for command
option -option.
Explanation: You issued a command and included a
value for an option that is too long.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Review the command syntax and enter
the command again.
5016-017 Specify a man page name.
Explanation: You entered the pdxtman command, but
you did not specify a man page name. You must
specify a man page name to see further information.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Enter the command again and specify
a man page name.
5016-051 An error occurred while processing
directive -directive. The value for the
directive is missing.
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive
that requires a value. The value for the directive was
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Enter the command again and specify
a value for the directive.
5016-052 Value "value" is not valid for directive
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive
that was not in the correct format. For example, the
directive specified an alphanumeric value instead of a
numeric value.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Enter the command again and specify
a valid value for the directive.
5016-053 The value for directive -directive is too
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive
value that was longer than the allowed length.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Enter the command again and specify
a valid value for the directive.
5016-054 An error occurred while parsing a
directive (error Return Code). ...msg
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive
value that InfoPrint XT cannot parse. The most likely
cause is a problem with the content of the directive. For
example, it might contain an unbalanced set of
quotation marks.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Enter the command again and specify
a valid value for the directive.
5016-100 The resource resourcename is already
loaded. Use the -r command option to
replace it.
Explanation: You entered the pdxtloadres command
to load the resource specified in the message. That
resource is already loaded on the system. If this is a
new version of the resource and you want to load it
again, you must specify the -r option.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Enter the command again and specify
the -r option.
5016-102 The input list file did not contain any
valid resources.
Explanation: You entered the pdxtloadres command
and included the -l option, which specified a file that
contains a list of resources. The entries in the file might
not be in a valid format. Each entry in the file must be
106 InfoPrint XT Guide