AIOxxx259S The resource utility found an
inconsistency in Xerox resource
phase_name: error_info
Explanation: The program found a resource
(filename.filetype) that it cannot process.
System action: Processing continues, but InfoPrint XT
does not convert the resource.
User response: A phase number and diagnostic
information follow this message to help identify the
problem. Use the diagnostic information to correct the
problem. If the problem continues, report this message
to your technical support representative.
AIOxxx260I The number of Xerox resources
successfully processed was number.
resource1 resource2 resourceN
Explanation: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
AIOxxx261I The resource utility processed no Xerox
resources successfully.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Other
messages report the reasons why InfoPrint XT cannot
successfully process the resources.
AIOxxx262I The number of Xerox resources not
successfully processed was number.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not process number
resources. Other messages explain the errors found by
InfoPrint XT.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
resource or resources listed.
User response: Review the other messages and correct
the problems. Then, load the resources again.
AIOxxx263I The resource utility processed all
requested Xerox resources successfully.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT successfully processed all
the Xerox resources. This is an informational message
and requires no user response.
AIOxxx264S The resource utility processed none of
the requested Xerox resources
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot successfully process
any of the Xerox resources. Other messages explain the
errors found by InfoPrint XT.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Review the other messages and correct
the problems. Then, load the resources again.
AIOxxx265I The resource utility skipped no Xerox
Explanation: This is an informational message. Other
messages indicate whether InfoPrint XT successfully
completed the task.
AIOxxx266I The number of Xerox resources skipped
by the resource utility was number.
Explanation: This is an informational message that
lists the internal names of the Xerox resources that the
resource utility did not process. Other messages
indicate whether InfoPrint XT successfully completed
the task.
AIOxxx268W One or more Xerox resources do not
conform to the typical source file format
of sequenced 80-byte records. number
may not have processed successfully.
file01.xxx file02.xxx ... filenn.xxx
Explanation: This message indicates that InfoPrint XT
might not have recognized the Xerox source file format
in the files listed. Possible causes are that the internal
record length was not 80, the sequence numbers were
not found in columns 75 to 80 of every possible 80-byte
record, or both conditions exist. InfoPrint XT tried to
reformat the resource. However, because the listed files
might not contain ASCII text, the corresponding
resources might not be usable.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the
User response: Print a job that uses the resources to
determine whether they are usable. If they are not,
create them again.
AIOxxx270I The table_name correlation table has
number entries.
Explanation: This is an informational message that
summarizes the number of entries in each resource
correlation table (table_name). It requires no user
AIOxxx271W AFP resource AFP_resource, correlated to
Xerox resource Xerox_resource, does not
exist in the AFP resource path.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot find the
AFP_resource resource for Xerox resource Xerox_resource
in the AFP resource path. The AFP resource name
might be incorrect, or it might not be available on the
System action: The process failed.
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 127