Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream
converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx
This section lists the messages that the InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT)
resource utility and Xerox data stream converter programs can issue. Make sure
that you see the appropriate set of messages, depending on whether InfoPrint XT
issues them while loading a resource or while converting a job.
Resource path names used in messages
Some of the messages and message explanations include information about where
the resource utility or data stream converter looked for reformatted Xerox
resources and Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) resources. The reformatted
Xerox resource path is the location of the metrics files that InfoPrint XT generates
when you load a Xerox resource. Depending on whether you loaded them as
common resources, loaded them in a specific resource group, or loaded them in a
directory of your choice, the reformatted Xerox resource path is one of these:
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\metrics
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\metrics
v C:\OtherDirectory\metrics
Reformatted Xerox resource path is equivalent to metrics directory, the term
that other areas of this publication use.
The AFP resource path is the directory that contains the AFP resources that
InfoPrint XT generates when you load Xerox printable resources. The AFP resource
path is one of these:
v %PDXTWORKDR%\resources\common
v %PDXTWORKDR%\resources\resgrp
v C:\OtherDirectory
AFP resource path is equivalent to AFP resource directory, the term that other
areas of this publication use.
InfoPrint XT resource utility messages
Many of the messages contain variable data, shown in italics, which InfoPrint XT
replaces with specific information when it issues the messages. A vertical bar (|)
between portions of variable data means that InfoPrint XT uses only one of the
variable-data strings when it issues the message. The error condition determines
the variable-data string that InfoPrint XT uses.
The middle three characters of the message identifier indicate the program module
that found the error. This chapter replaces these with the characters xxx. These
characters are variable and have no meaning to users.
The message identifier ends with a letter that indicates the severity:
I Informational. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 0. The
resource or resources processed successfully.
W Warning. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 4. It alerts
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