Appendix E. DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP
This section lists the possible messages that you might see in the Dynamic Job
Descriptor Entry (DJDE) report generated by InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint
XT), and includes a short explanation of each message. These messages can occur
in any order in the DJDE report; they are listed in alphabetic order by DJDE name
here. If the DJDE report contains a message with the AIOxxxnnns format, you can
find its explanation in “InfoPrint XT data stream converter messages” on page 132.
Many of the messages in the DJDE report contain variable data, shown in italics,
which InfoPrint XT replaces with specific information when it issues the messages.
A vertical bar (|) between portions of variable data means that InfoPrint XT uses
only one of the variable-data strings when it issues the message.
1. Any value that specifies inches as a unit of measure can have up to three
decimal places.
2. The default is that InfoPrint XT does not produce a DJDE report when it
converts Xerox data streams. To generate a DJDE report, you must include the
xrptfile conversion parameter when you submit the job. For more information
about using the xrptfile conversion parameter, see page 100.
3. For a list of supported and unsupported DJDE commands, see “Supported and
unsupported Xerox DJDE and PDL commands” on page 8.
ALTER - New position for img_name IMG (page
segment pseg_name) is (x,y) inches or
(x,y) pels. The requested graphic scaling
factor was number.
Explanation: Specifies the new imaging parameters for
a previously defined reference image. img_name
identifies the Xerox IMG file. pseg_name identifies the
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) page segment. x
and y are numeric values. x represents the horizontal
coordinate. y represents the vertical coordinate.
InfoPrint XT only includes the second sentence of the
message when the scaling factor is a number other than
ASSIGN - The data stream converter made the
following channel to line assignments:
ch_number to line(s) line_num1 ...
Explanation: Specifies the VFU channel-to-line-
assignments. ch_number is the channel number.
line_num1 through line_numN specify the line numbers
assigned to this channel.
BATCH - The data stream converter does not
support batch mode graphics. Parameter
was START | END.
Explanation: The job specified processing for online
banner pages and batch-mode graphics. InfoPrint XT
does not support BATCH=START or BATCH=END.
BEGIN - The new page position is (x,y) inches or
(x,y) pels.
Explanation: Specifies the starting position of one or
more logical pages. x and y are numeric values. x
represents the horizontal coordinate. y represents the
vertical coordinate.
BFORM - Overlay overlay_name will appear on the
back of subsequent sheets.
Explanation: When used with DUPLEX=YES, this
message specifies that a form prints on the back side of
the page. overlay_name identifies the AFP overlay that
BFORM - The following overlays will appear on
the back of subsequent sheets.
Overlaycopy ply
overlay1x to y
overlayNx to y
Explanation: This message only occurs when the job
specifies copy-sensitive forms. overlay1 and overlayN
identify the AFP overlays. x and y are numeric values.
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