the user that the resource utility found a possible problem in the input
resource. However, the resource or resources processed successfully.
E Error. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 8. This
indicates an error that caused InfoPrint XT to complete a default action.
Error messages issued when the resource utility is converting an FRM
indicate that the AFP overlay generated by InfoPrint XT and printed on an
IPDS printer might or might not match the output of the same resource
printed on a Xerox printer. Otherwise, an error prevented InfoPrint XT
from loading the resource.
S Severe error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to return
code 12. An error prevented InfoPrint XT from loading the resource.
U Unrecoverable error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to
return code 16. An error prevented InfoPrint XT from loading the resource.
AIOxxx000S Unknown logic error.
Explanation: An unexpected error condition occurred
in the parameter parser.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job
are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for
converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93. Otherwise, report
this message to your technical support representative.
AIOxxx000S Unrecognized keyword: keyword. Valid
keywords are:
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword
that it did not recognize.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job
are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for
converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93. Otherwise, report
this message to your technical support representative.
AIOxxx001S Specified option for keyword: keyword is
too long. Maximum length is length.
Explanation: The parameter parser found a value for a
keyword that is too long.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,
make sure that the conversion parameters and values
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion
parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93.
Otherwise, report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx002S Unrecognized option for the keyword:
keyword. Valid options for this keyword
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword
option or value that is not valid.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,
make sure that the conversion parameters and values
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion
parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93.
Otherwise, report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx003S Value for keyword: keyword is out of
range. Valid range is lower_limit to
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword
value that is not in the range of valid values.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,
make sure that the conversion parameters and values
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion
parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93.
Otherwise, report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx004S Extra data: data_string was found after
the file name. Data ignored.
122 InfoPrint XT Guide