AIOxxx247I The resource utility created no
translation tables:
Explanation: The translation source entries in the
translation tables contained errors.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you manually updated the
translation source file, correct the file and rerun the
failing command. Otherwise, report this message to
your technical support representative.
AIOxxx250I Processing Xerox resources...
Explanation: This is an informational message that
indicates that InfoPrint XT is creating the metrics tables
for resources. It requires no user response.
AIOxxx251I The resource utility found no
reformatted Xerox DBCS fonts for
metrics extraction.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT tried to extract DBCS AFP
font metrics, but it did not find a corresponding
reformatted Xerox font file.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Verify that the fonts you are loading
include Xerox DBCS fonts.
AIOxxx252W The data stream converter cannot use
JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name pair for data
stream conversion due to one or more
unsupported BLOCK | RECORD
command functions:
function1 function2 function3
Explanation: The JDL/JDE pair successfully loads, but
InfoPrint XT issues message AIOxxx775S and stops
processing if data stream conversion uses the JDL/JDE
pair. The unsupported functions that InfoPrint XT
might list are FORMAT ¬= BIN, LMULT ¬= 1, and
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the
User response: If the JDL/JDE pair is essential to
printing operations, report this message to your
technical support representative.
AIOxxx253W The resource utility will process Xerox
resource filename.filetype by using paper
size paper_size1 instead of the requested
Explanation: The resource utility was given a paper
size to use during Xerox form conversion that is
different from the paper size defined internally in the
form. InfoPrint XT used the internally specified paper
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the
User response: No action is necessary, unless you
want to use the paper size that you specified. In that
case, you must specify the PAPER command in the FSL
for the Xerox FRM resource, and recompile it using the
Xerox FDL command. This sets the internally specified
size to the size that you want. Then, reload the FRM
using the InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command.
AIOxxx254W While converting form form_name, the
following errors occurred:
Explanation: Additional error messages provide
specific information about the errors that InfoPrint XT
found during the conversion of form form_name.
System action: InfoPrint XT might or might not have
processed the resource, depending on the errors.
User response: Review the errors listed and do
corrective actions as necessary.
AIOxxx255E The form converter could not find logo
logo_name|image image_name in the logo
| image correlation table.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find entries for the
named logo or image in the correlation tables located in
the reformatted Xerox resource path. The logo
correlation tables are tab.alt and tab.slt. The image
correlation tables are tab.ait and tab.sit.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Load the logo or image identified in
the message.
AIOxxx256E The form converter could not find logo
logo_name|image image_name in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
Explanation: While processing a Xerox form, InfoPrint
XT determined that the form referenced a Xerox LGO
file (logo_name) or an IMG file (image_name) that is not
loaded on the system.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Load the resource identified in the
message and the form that generated the error.
126 InfoPrint XT Guide