AIOxxx712W XHONORSTAPLE is in effect, but
reformatted JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name
does not include stapling information.
The converter disabled stapling for the
current report.
Explanation: Although you requested that InfoPrint
XT process Xerox stapling commands, you did not
reload the JDL and JDE pair in effect after stapling
support became available in InfoPrint XT. Because
InfoPrint XT cannot determine whether the original
JDL and JDE pair specified STAPLE=YES, NTO1=YES
or NTO1=n, or FACEUP=YES, it uses STAPLE=NO.
InfoPrint XT does not include stapling commands in
the AFP that it generates for this report.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the
job, but the printer does not staple the pages in the
current report.
User response: You must reload the JDL that the job
uses for InfoPrint XT to process stapling commands.
After you reload the JDL, reconvert the job.
AIOxxx720E A text placement item specified font
number number, but the maximum
number of fonts per page is 128.
Explanation: One page specified more than 128 fonts.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Check the font list in effect at the time
to make sure that no more than 128 fonts requests are
present, and reconvert the job.
AIOxxx721S A text placement item specified font
number font_number, but the number in
the active font list is font_maximum.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT tried to process AFP text
placement items using the wrong font list.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Contact your technical-support
AIOxxx760E The font processor could not find font
font_name in the font correlation table.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find entries for the
named font in the correlation tables located in the
reformatted Xerox resource path. The font correlation
tables are tab.aft and tab.sft.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Use the pdxtloadres command to load
the font identified in the message.
AIOxxx761S No fonts available to print text.
Explanation: The data stream converter did not find
one or more fonts in the font correlation table, so no
default text font was available for printing text.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Make sure that the DJDEs in the Xerox
data stream or the JDEs used to process the data stream
contain valid font lists. Make sure that you load all
fonts specified by the font lists. Then, reconvert the job,
or load a default text font and reconvert the job.
AIOxxx762E The font processor could not find
reformatted font font_name in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find the metrics file
for the named font in the reformatted Xerox resource
path. It was looking for font_name.afn.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Use the pdxtloadres command to load
the font identified in the message.
AIOxxx763E The font processor could not find font
resource resource_name in the AFP
resource path.
Explanation: While loading a form, InfoPrint XT did
not find the AFP font listed in the message.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the
job and tries to use the first correctly defined font as a
User response: If you manually updated the resource
correlation table, make sure the correlation record is
correct, the font exists, and the font is accessible to
InfoPrint XT. If the AFP font is a font that InfoPrint XT
created from a Xerox font, reload the Xerox font. If the
problem continues or if the font was supplied by
InfoPrint Solutions Company, report this message to
your technical support representative.
AIOxxx764E Font resource resource_name has an
incorrect format.
Explanation: The AFP font resource identified in the
message has an internal structure that is not valid.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the
job, and tries to use the first correctly defined font as a
User response: If the font is a custom AFP font, a
problem might have occurred during its transfer to the
system. Make sure that you download or copy the
resource in binary format. If the font is an InfoPrint
Solutions Company-supplied font or a font that
142 InfoPrint XT Guide