file resource_list_name matches the information in
overlay overlay_name.
AIOxxx473E The data stream converter detected one
or more missing overlays or overlay
resources. Data stream conversion to
AFPDS may be successful, but the AFP
file will not print correctly. Load the
missing resources to ensure correct
Explanation: The job uses one or more overlays that
are missing from the AFP resource library, or one or
more reformatted Xerox forms that are missing from
the reformatted Xerox resource path.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the
User response: Make sure that you have loaded all
the Xerox forms for this job, and any fonts, images, or
logos that the forms use.
AIOxxx480E Unrecognized parameter: parameter.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not recognize the input
parameter (parameter) as a valid parameter.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the parameter
and continues processing.
User response: Correct the parameter and reconvert
the job.
AIOxxx481E Incorrect JDE/JDL argument:
Explanation: The JDE or JDL name specified in the
conversion parameters is either too long or it contains
non-alphanumeric characters.
System action: InfoPrint XT uses the system default
and continues processing.
User response: Correct the JDE/JDL specification and
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx482E Incorrect numeric argument: argument.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expected a numeric
argument in a parameter, but found a nonnumeric
argument instead.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the parameter
and continues processing.
User response: Correct the parameter. Do the
operation that caused the error again.
AIOxxx483W Numeric argument numeric_argument is
outside the range of permitted values.
The transform will use a value of
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expects the parameter
(numeric_argument) for the job to be numeric. It is not
numeric, or the numeric value is too large or too small.
System action: InfoPrint XT replaces the incorrect
value with the system default value.
User response: Correct the parameter and reconvert
the job.
AIOxxx484S The data stream converter could not
find reformatted cluster database
clb_name in the reformatted Xerox
resource path.
Explanation: The conversion parameters for the job
specified the CLUSTERLIB parameter (xclb=), or used
the default cluster name, which is clustr.lib. However,
the cluster database specified in the message does not
exist in the reformatted Xerox resource path.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the
User response: Correct the name of the cluster
database or add the xclb=none conversion parameter.
Then, reconvert the job.
AIOxxx486S Incorrect parameter: parameter.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not recognize the input
parameter (parameter) as a valid parameter. Processing
cannot continue without producing potentially incorrect
output or resource conversions in FILE DJDE jobs.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Make sure that you specify the correct
parameter. Then, reconvert the job.
AIOxxx490E The transform found a relative move in
the dot | scan direction with no
preceding absolute move on page
page_number, logical record line_number.
Explanation: Before the print position was established,
InfoPrint XT found characters to print or relative moves
in a metacode print control record.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the current print
control record and continues processing with the next
User response: Correct the input data stream, and
rerun the failing command.
136 InfoPrint XT Guide
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