AIOxxx230I Processing Correlation Source File...
Explanation: This is an informational message that
indicates that InfoPrint XT is rebuilding the correlation
tables. It requires no user response.
AIOxxx231E Line line_number - correlation resource
name resource_name contains incorrect
Explanation: A resource name in the resource
correlation table contains characters that are not valid.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the
resource, but it does not process line line_number.
User response: If you manually updated the
correlation table, correct the entry and rerun the failing
command. Otherwise, this indicates an internal error in
InfoPrint XT. Report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx232E Correlation source record line_number
does not start with D, F, I, or L.
Explanation: An entry in the resource correlation table
starts with an incorrect record type indicator.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the
resource, but it does not process line line_number.
User response: If you manually updated the
correlation table, correct the indicator and rerun the
failing command. Otherwise, this indicates an internal
error in InfoPrint XT. Report this message to your
technical support representative.
AIOxxx233E The correlation source file processor
found a duplicate entry for resource_name
on line line_number. The resource utility
will use the last valid entry.
Explanation: The resource correlation table contains
more than one entry for a specific Xerox resource.
System action: Processing continues. InfoPrint XT uses
the last valid correlation entry in the table.
User response: If you manually updated the
correlation table, remove the duplicate entry and rerun
the failing command. Otherwise, this indicates an
internal error in InfoPrint XT. Report this message to
your technical support representative.
AIOxxx234E A required field on line line_number of
the correlation source file is blank.
Explanation: A correlation record is incomplete.
System action: Processing continues, but InfoPrint XT
does not process line line_number. This is the line with
the incomplete correlation record.
User response: If you manually updated the
correlation table, complete the incomplete record and
rerun the failing command. Otherwise, this indicates an
internal error in InfoPrint XT. Report this message to
your technical support representative.
AIOxxx235E The correlation source file processor
found an incorrect X/Y offset for page
segment psegname on line line_number.
Explanation: The X- or Y-offset specified for a page
segment in the resource correlation table is not valid.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Correct the offset value and rerun the
failing command.
AIOxxx236E The resource utility found an incorrect
correlation for Xerox DBCS font
font_name on line line_number. The
correlated AFP object must be a coded
Explanation: You must correlate each Xerox DBCS
font to an AFP coded font, which associates an AFP
code page with an AFP outline character set. You
cannot correlate a DBCS font to an AFP character set
and AFP code page pair.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Specify an AFP coded font for the
Xerox DBCS font. Rebuild the font correlation table.
AIOxxx237I The correlation source processor did not
create the font correlation table.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found no valid font entries
in the correlation source file. Other messages might
provide more information about the problem.
System action: InfoPrint XT might continue
processing, or it might not process a particular
User response: Make sure that at least one font
resource is loaded for the resource group. InfoPrint XT
cannot process more resources without at least one font
already loaded. If you manually updated the resource
correlation table and expected InfoPrint XT to create
the table, verify that the entries for the missing table
are correct. Then, rerun the command that resulted in
this message. If you did not update the resource
correlation table, but you expected InfoPrint XT to
create the table, report this message to your technical
support representative.
124 InfoPrint XT Guide
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