System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Correct the character and rerun the
failing command.
AIOxxx283W Undefined cluster name cl_name in
cluster database source file cls_name, line
line_number, has no current or preferred
AFP MMC trays assigned and will be
excluded from reformatted cluster
database clb_name.
Explanation: The cl_name cluster entry on record
line_number of a cluster database source file cls_name is
not meaningful because it does not reference any
current or preferred input media sources.
System action: If InfoPrint XT finds no other errors
that are more serious than this for cls_name, it writes
the reformatted cluster database to the resource library
without the undefined cluster entry.
User response: Check for any other errors that
InfoPrint XT might have found while reformatting the
cluster database.
AIOxxx283W Undefined cluster name cl_name in
cluster database source file cls_name, line
line_number, has no current or preferred
AFP MMC trays assigned.
Explanation: The cl_name cluster entry on record
line_number of a cluster database source member
cls_name is not meaningful because it does not
references any current or preferred input media
System action: Because InfoPrint XT found other,
more serious errors in cls_name, it did not write the
reformatted cluster database to the resource library.
User response: Correct the cluster database source
member and rerun the failing command.
AIOxxx284E The resource utility found no valid
cluster entries in Xerox cluster database
file_name.lib, and could not process the
Explanation: While processing Xerox cluster database
file_name.lib, InfoPrint XT did not find any cluster
System action: InfoPrint XT did not reformat the
database. If a source file was requested, InfoPrint XT
did not produce it.
User response: Verify that the Xerox cluster database
that InfoPrint XT is processing contains cluster entries,
and then reload the file.
AIOxxx290U The resource utility could not find the
source_type source file.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot find the correlation
source file or the translation source file in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx292U File access error with return code
return_code occurred during action
operation of file file_name in the
path_name path directory or DDNAME:
Explanation: An unidentifiable or unexpected I/O
condition occurred during processing.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx294W A record in file_name was longer than
the maximum record length of nn. The
transform ignored data in bytes beyond
the expected length.
Explanation: A logic error occurred while reading
from file file_name.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Examine the file and make sure that it
is not corrupt. Make sure that the xcc conversion
parameter specified the correct type of carriage control,
and that the data stream conversion parameters are
correct. Then, do the operation that caused this error
AIOxxx298U A program or operating system error has
occurred. Internal diagnostic
information follows:
error_info error_info
Explanation: A logic error occurred in the resource
utility program. InfoPrint XT supplies a phase name,
diagnostic information, or both, to help identify the
System action: The process failed.
User response: Report this message to your technical
support representative.
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 129