FORMS - The following overlays will appear on
the front of subsequent sheets.
Overlaycopy ply
overlay_name1x to y
overlay_nameNx to y
Explanation: This message occurs when the job
specifies copy-sensitive forms and either SIMPLEX or
BFORM. overlay_name1 through overlay_nameN identify
the names of the AFP overlays. x and y are integer
GRAPHIC - The data stream converter found graphic
image img_name (page segment
pseg_name) imbedded in data stream.
The image position is (x,y) inches or
(x,y) pels. The converter will | will not
automatically image the graphic on each
page. The requested graphic scaling
factor was x.
Explanation: img_name identifies the Xerox IMG file.
pseg_name identifies the AFP page segment. x and y are
numeric values. x represents the horizontal coordinate.
y represents the vertical coordinate. InfoPrint XT
indicates whether it automatically prints the graphic on
each page. InfoPrint XT only includes the second
sentence of the message when the scaling factor is a
number other than 1.
ICATALOG - The data stream converter does not
support the ICATALOG DJDE.
Explanation: An ICATALOG DJDE, which InfoPrint
XT does not support, is present.
IDFAULT - The data stream converter does not
support the IDFAULT DJDE.
Explanation: An IDFAULT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT
does not support, is present.
IDR - The data stream converter does not
support the IDR DJDE.
Explanation: An IDR DJDE, which InfoPrint XT does
not support, is present.
ILIST - The data stream converter does not
support the ILIST DJDE.
Explanation: An ILIST DJDE, which InfoPrint XT does
not support, is present.
IMAGE - A DJDE referenced graphic image
img_name (page segment pseg_name). The
image position is (x,y) inches or (x,y)
pels. The converter will | will not
automatically image the graphic on each
page. The requested graphic scaling
factor was x.
Explanation: img_name identifies the Xerox IMG file.
pseg_name identifies the AFP page segment. x and y are
numeric values. x represents the horizontal coordinate.
y represents the vertical coordinate. InfoPrint XT
indicates whether it automatically prints the graphic on
each page. InfoPrint XT only includes the second
sentence if the scaling factor is a number other than 1.
INKINDEX - The data stream converter does not
support the INKINDEX DJDE.
Explanation: An INKINDEX DJDE, which InfoPrint
XT does not support, is present.
INVERT - The data stream converter will ignore
Explanation: The data stream converter found an
INVERT DJDE, but the conversion parameters include
xhonorinvert=no. xhonorinvert=no is the default.
InfoPrint XT does not invert the output.
INVERT - The data stream converter will invert
output on the front sides of subsequent
Explanation: Specifies that front-side printing is
inverted. Back-side printing is not inverted.
INVERT - The data stream converter will invert
output on the back sides of subsequent
Explanation: Specifies that back-side printing is
inverted. Front-side printing is not inverted.
INVERT - The data stream converter will invert
output on the both sides of subsequent
Explanation: Specifies that front-side and back-side
printing is inverted.
INVERT - The data stream converter will not
invert output on subsequent sheets.
Explanation: Specifies that front-side and back-side
printing is not inverted.
150 InfoPrint XT Guide
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