User response: Use the return code to determine why
the correlation process failed and correct the problem.
Then, load the resource again.
5016-617 Metrics generation process started.
Explanation: During the resource-load process,
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it starts to
generate the metrics files.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
5016-618 Metrics generation process is complete.
Number of successes: number.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it
generates the metrics files for one or more resources.
The message specifies the number of metrics files that
InfoPrint XT created successfully.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: If any accompanying messages
indicate that failures occurred, determine the cause of
the failures and correct the problems. Then, load the
resources that initially failed again. If no other failures
occurred, no action is necessary.
5016-619 Install process started.
Explanation: During the resource-load process,
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it starts to copy
the AFP resources and metrics files to their appropriate
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
5016-620 number resources have completed
Explanation: When installing a group of resources,
InfoPrint XT periodically issues this message to show
the progress of the install process.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
5016-621 Install process is complete.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it
finishes copying the AFP resources and the metrics files
to the appropriate directories.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
5016-690 Resource delete process started for type
resourcetype. Number of resources to
delete: n.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message when it
starts to delete resources of a specific type. The
message indicates the type of resource and how many
resources InfoPrint XT is deleting.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
5016-691 Resource delete process is complete for
type resourcetype. Number of deletes: n.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it
deletes a group of resources. The message specifies the
number of resources that InfoPrint XT deleted
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: If any accompanying messages
indicate that deletion failures occurred, determine the
cause of the deletion failures and correct the problems.
If no deletion failures occurred, no action is necessary.
5016-721 Download directives:
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-722,
lists the download directives in use.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
5016-722 evariable = "value"
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-721,
lists the environment variables and values that specify
download directives.
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.
User response: This is an informational message and
requires no user response.
Return code numbers
Tables 11 and 12 describe the return code numbers that some InfoPrint XT
messages contain.
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 113