IRESULT - The data stream converter does not
support the IRESULT DJDE.
Explanation: An IRESULT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT
does not support, is present.
ITEXT - The data stream converter does not
support the ITEXT DJDE.
Explanation: An ITEXT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT
does not support, is present.
JDE - A DJDE referenced Job Descriptor Entry
Explanation: The name of the JDE in use, which is
JDL - A DJDE referenced Job Descriptor
Library jdl_name.
Explanation: The name of the JDL file, which is
MARGIN - The left margin will be position_count
Explanation: InfoPrint XT calculates the left margin by
multiplying position_count by the average character
width of the font in effect.
MARGIN - The left margin will be x inches or y
Explanation: This message occurs when the job
specifies a left margin in terms of inches or centimeters,
rather than positions. x and y are numeric values.
InfoPrint XT uses pels as the unit of measure.
MODIFY - The data stream converter will not apply
a CME to the input data.
Explanation: No copy modifications are in effect,
starting at the point in the job where InfoPrint XT
found this DJDE.
MODIFY - The data stream converter will apply
CME cme_name to the input data.
Explanation: The input data invoked a CME that is
not copy-sensitive to do copy modifications. cme_name
identifies the name of the CME in effect.
MODIFY - The data stream converter will apply the
following CMEs:
CME name copy ply
cme_name x to y
cme_name x to y
Explanation: The input data invoked one or more
copy-sensitive CMEs to do copy modifications.
cme_name identifies the CME file. x and y are integer
NUMBER - The data stream converter will not
number output pages.
Explanation: The job contains a NUMBER=NO DJDE.
InfoPrint XT does not number pages.
NUMBER - The data stream converter will number
output pages by using font fontname.
The first page number will be x. The
page number appears on line y. | The
page number ends in column z. | The
page number appears on line y and ends
in column z.
Explanation: The job contains a NUMBER DJDE that
defines the numbering of the output pages. InfoPrint
XT might report the location of the page number as
line y, column z, or both. x, y, and z are integer values.
OVERPRINT - The data stream converter will print |
ignore | merge overprint lines.
Explanation: Specifies whether the OVERPRINT
option is PRINT, IGNORE, or MERGE.
OVERPRINT - The data stream converter will print
only the first line in each group of
overprint lines.
Explanation: Specifies that the OVERPRINT option is
PALETTE - The data stream converter does not
support the PALETTE DJDE.
Explanation: A PALETTE DJDE, which InfoPrint XT
does not support, is present.
PMODE - The print mode will be portrait |
Explanation: Specifies whether the print mode is
portrait or landscape.
RAUX - The data stream converter selected the
alternate paper source.
Explanation: Specifies that InfoPrint XT pulls one
sheet from the alternate paper tray.
Appendix E. DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP 151