as binary zeros, in a text line in a form. It might also
occur if you have manually correlated a Xerox font to
an AFP font and the AFP font does not have characters
that correspond to some of the characters in the Xerox
font. Or, a character translation table was altered so
that a character in the job does not map to the correct
character in the AFP font.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.
User response: Correct the form or correlation and
reload the form.
InfoPrint XT data stream converter messages
This section lists messages that the InfoPrint XT data stream converter can issue
and a short explanation of each message.
Many of the messages contain variable data, shown in italics, which InfoPrint XT
replaces with specific information when it issues the messages. A vertical bar (|)
between portions of variable data means that InfoPrint XT uses only one of the
variable-data strings when it issues the message. The error condition determines
the variable-data string that InfoPrint XT uses.
The middle three characters of the message identifier indicate the program module
that found the error. This section replaces these with the characters xxx. These
characters are variable and have no meaning to users.
The message indicator ends with a letter that indicates the severity:
I Informational. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 0.
InfoPrint XT generates AFP output for the job.
W Warning. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 4. It alerts
the user that the converter found a possible problem in the input data
stream. However, InfoPrint XT generates AFP output for the job.
E Error. InfoPrint XT processing continues. This corresponds to return code 8.
This indicates an error that caused InfoPrint XT to complete a default
action. The error might or might not prevent InfoPrint XT from generating
AFP output for the job.
S Severe error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to return
code 12. An error that prevented InfoPrint XT from generating AFP output
for the job.
U Unrecoverable error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to
return code 16. An error that prevented InfoPrint XT from generating AFP
output for the job.
You can use the xafprc conversion parameter to control when InfoPrint XT
generates AFP output, based on the return code.
AIOxxx000S Unknown logic error.
Explanation: An unexpected error condition occurred
in the parameter parser.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job
are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for
converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93. Otherwise, report
this message to your technical support representative.
AIOxxx000S Unrecognized keyword: keyword. Valid
keywords are:
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword
that it did not recognize.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
132 InfoPrint XT Guide