XSHIFT - The data stream converter will ignore
Explanation: The data stream converter found an
XSHIFT DJDE, but the conversion parameters include
xhonorshift=no. xhonorshift=no is the default.
InfoPrint XT does not shift the output.
XSHIFT - Printing on subsequent sheets will not
shift up or down | to the left or right.
Explanation: Specifies that the data stream converter
found an XSHIFT=NO DJDE, which prevents the
output from shifting in the directions specified.
XSHIFT - Printing on subsequent sheets will not
shift on front sides, but will shift
bk_inches inches (bk_pels pels) to the left |
to the right | up | down on back sides.
Explanation: An XSHIFT DJDE specified that
front-side printing does not shift. Back-side printing
shifts bk_inches inches in the direction specified.
XSHIFT - Printing on subsequent sheets will shift
fr_inches inches (ft_pels pels) to the left |
to the right | up | down on front sides,
but will not shift on back sides.
Explanation: An XSHIFT DJDE specified that
front-side printing shifts fr_inches inches in the direction
specified. Back-side printing does not shift.
XSHIFT - Printing on subsequent sheets will shift
fr_inches inches (ft_pels pels) to the left |
to the right | up | down on front sides,
and bk_inches inches (bk_pels pels) to the
left | to the right | up | down on back
Explanation: An XSHIFT DJDE specified that
front-side printing shifts fr_inches inches and bk_inches
inches on back sides, in the directions specified.
154 InfoPrint XT Guide