Table 12. Return code numbers 65-127 in InfoPrint XT messages
Error Symbolic constant and explanation Error Symbolic constant and explanation
065 EHOSTUNREACH No route to host 081 ENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket
066 ENOSETUID setuid/setgid bit feature is
082 EDESTADDRREQ Destination address
067 EPROCLIM Too many processes 083 EMSGSIZE Message too long
068 EUSERS Too many users 084 EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for
069 EDQUOTE Disc quota exceeded 085 ENOPROTOOPT Protocol not available
070 N/A Stale NFS file handle 086 ENOMSG No message of desired type
071 N/A Too many levels of remote in path 087 EWINPATH Cannot map path name to
Windows namespace
072 N/A RPC struct is bad 088 EOVERFLOW Value too large to be stored in
data type
073 N/A RPC version not available 089 E2SMALL Data buffer too small to store
074 N/A RPC program not available 090 EHOSTNOTFOUND Unknown host
075 N/A Program version wrong 091 ETRYAGAIN Host name lookup failure (try
076 N/A Bad procedure for program 092 ENORECOVERY Unknown server error (no
077 N/A Reserved 093 ENODATA No address associated with name
078 N/A Reserved 094 ENOTSUP Not supported
079 EEYPE Inappropriate file type or format 095 EPROTO Protocol error
080 EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress 096-127 Reserved
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 115