BFORM - No overlay will appear on the back of
subsequent sheets.
Explanation: A BFORM=NONE DJDE cancelled a
previous BFORM DJDE.
BOF - The new bottom of form line number is
Explanation: Specifies that number is the line number
of the bottom of the form.
C - The data stream converter found a
comment DJDE.
Explanation: A comment DJDE is present.
CANCEL - The data stream converter will no longer
automatically image the following
graphics on each page:
.img namePage segment name
Explanation: Specifies cancellation of automatic
graphic imaging. img_name identifies the Xerox IMG
file. pseg_name identifies the corresponding AFP page
COLLATE - The data stream converter will | will not
collate multi-copy reports.
Explanation: Specifies whether InfoPrint XT collates
the reports.
COPIES - The number of report | sheet copies will
be number.
Explanation: Specifies whether the copies are report
copies or sheet copies, and specifies the total number of
DATA - Printable data now begins at byte x and
continues for up to y bytes.
Explanation: Specifies the beginning location of the
printable data in the input record and the length of the
printable information. x and y are integer values.
DEPT - The department name for account
billing is dept_name.
Explanation: Specifies the dept_name to associate with
accounting information.
DJDE - The data stream converter found a DJDE
identifier on record
Explanation: Specifies that line_number contains one or
more DJDEs (djde_record).
There is no DJDE with the name DJDE. The
message title is for explanation retrievability
DUPLEX - The print mode will be duplex | simplex.
Explanation: Specifies whether the print mode is
duplex or simplex.
END - The data stream converter found an
Explanation: An END; DJDE is present in the job data.
FEED - The input tray will be auxiliary | main.
Explanation: Specifies the tray that contains the
medium on which the job prints.
FEED - The data stream converter does not
support the tray_name option.
Explanation: When you specify xclb=none, InfoPrint
XT issues this message when it finds FEED DJDE
values (tray_name) other than MAIN, AUX or OPR. It
uses the MAIN input tray in the generated AFP. Verify
that you specified the correct value for the xclb
conversion parameter. Also, make sure that the value of
the FEED command in the job is correct.
FEED - The input media source will be tray
Explanation: You specified a valid cluster database.
InfoPrint XT indicates the number of the input tray
with mmc_tray.
FEED - The input media source will be
INIFEED tray mmc_tray.
Explanation: You specified a valid cluster database.
InfoPrint XT indicates the number of the input tray
with mmc_tray. If InfoPrint XT finds a STOCKS DJDE,
but the DJDE packet does not specify FEED, it uses the
FONTINDEX - The data stream converter will no
longer use table reference characters.
Explanation: Specifies that the job contains a
FONTINDEX= NONE DJDE, and that the data stream
converter no longer uses table reference characters to
select fonts.
148 InfoPrint XT Guide