Basic Operations (VCR Plus+ Recording) - 42 -
2. If your broadcast channel number is the same as the VCR Plus+ channel in your TV
listing, do not enter any number. Press CHANNEL up or down to position a
nonmatching station.
3. If your broadcast channel number is not the same as the VCR Plus+ channel in your
TV listing use the number buttons to assign the broadcast channel to the
corresponding VCR Plus+ channel.
In the example below broadcast channel #38 is assigned to VCR Plus+ channel #42.
4. Repeat step 3 for all channels that need to be assigned.
5. Press CLOCK to end the setup procedure. You are ready to begin delayed
recording with VCR Plus+.
Cable with Cable Box Setup
Use this setup procedure if you receive all channels through a cable box. Before you
begin, you need to know the output channel number for your cable box. Usually this is
either 03 or 04, but it could be 02, 05, or 06. Consult your cable company if you're not
1. Set VCR/CATV/TV switch to VCR, then press VCR PLUS and PROG buttons at the
same time to set the cable box output channel. You will then see this display.
2. Use the number buttons to enter the cable box's output channel.
3. Press CLOCK to end the setup procedure. You are ready to begin delayed
recording with VCR Plus+. (When you set up a delayed recording, you will need to
select the desired channel using the channel selector on your cable box.)
Cable with a Cable Box and Switchbox Setup
This is the right setup if you used Option 3 in the cable box hookups covered in
Advanced Operations. With that hookup you have an A-or-B switchbox because you
Some of your cable channels through a cable box (scrambled premium channels),
Some of your channels (unscrambled) directly through the cable
Before you begin, you need to know which cable channels you receive through your
cable box.
You also need to know the output channel number for you cable box. Usually this is