7–2: Zone (Scan Zone)
7–2a: Scan Zone
Zone Map
This shows the “Scan Zone” setting.
Btm (Bottom Key) [C–1...G9]
Top (Top Key) [C–1...G9]
These parameters specify the range of notes (keys) for which
the arpeggiator will function. “Top” is the upper limit, and
“Btm” is the lower limit.
Btm (Bottom Velocity) [001...127]
Top (Top Velocity) [001...127]
Specifies the range of velocities for which the arpeggiator
will function. “Top” is the upper limit, and “Btm” is the
lower limit.
X50: The note number and velocity can also be specified by
holding down the [ENTER] button and pressing a note on
the keyboard.
■ 7–2: UTILITY
☞“Write Program” (0–1), “Copy Arpeggiator” (7–1)
7–3: Controls
7–3a: Knob B Assign
Here you can assign functions (mainly various types of con-
trol change) to the B-mode of the REALTIME CONTROLS
knobs [1]–[4] (☞p.162 “Realtime Control Knobs B Assign
The functions you set here will take effect when you operate
the REALTIME CONTROLS knobs [1]–[4] in B-mode.
Knob1–B (Knob1–B Assign)
[Off...MIDI CC#95]
Knob2–B (Knob2–B Assign)
[Off...MIDI CC#95]
Knob3–B (Knob3–B Assign)
[Off...MIDI CC#95]
Knob4–B (Knob4–B Assign)
[Off...MIDI CC#95]
X50: 7–3b: SW1/2 Assign
These settings assign functions to [SW1] and [SW2] (☞p.161
“SW1, SW2 Assign List”).
SW1 Assign [Off...Pitch Bend Lock]
Here you can assign a function to [SW1].
The on/off status of the switch is saved when the program is
written. When you change the function, it will be reset to the
“off” state.
SW1 Mode [Toggle, Momentary]
Specifies the on/off behavior of [SW1].
Toggle: The switch will alternate on/off each time you press
Momentary: The switch will be on only while you continue
holding [SW1].
SW2 Assign [Off...Pitch Bend Lock]
SW2 Mode [Toggle, Momentary]
Here you can assign a function to [SW2].
The functions that can be assigned to [SW2] are the same as
for [SW1], with the exception of SW2 Mod. (CC#81) instead
of SW1 Mod. (CC#80).
■ 7–3: UTILITY
☞“Write Program” (0–1)