X50: 4–4a: FootPedal/Switch, Other Con-
trol Change/
microX: 4–3a: FootPedal/Switch, Other
Control Change
FootPedal/Switch [Off, On]
Specifies whether or not the effect of the ASSIGNABLE
PEDAL/SWITCH will be transmitted and received. The
function is assigned in GLOBAL 0–3: System Foot page.
This setting is valid when a MIDI control change is assigned.
Other Ctrl Change [Off, On]
Specifies whether or not MIDI control change message not
covered in the preceding items MIDI Filter1–1 – 2–4 will be
transmitted and received.
■ X50: 4–4/microX: 4–3: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)
COMBI 5: Ed–Key Zone
These settings specify the keyboard range in which each
timbre will sound.
The top/bottom key parameters specify the range of notes
in which timbres 1–8 will sound, and the top/bottom slope
parameters specify the range over which the original vol-
ume will be reached.
By setting timbres of different sounds to ranges that do not
overlap, you can play different sounds in different ranges of
the keyboard (Key Split).
By setting the ranges to overlap, you can play two or more
sounds with a single note (Layer).
If you set the slopes (the grayed portion) to overlap, the sounds
will overlap, and the proportion of the overlap will change
according to the keyboard location (Positional Cross-fade).
5–1: Key (Key Zone)
5–1a: Key Zone Map (1)
This displays the range of note data that will sound the cur-
rently selected track. The range of notes sounded is shown
as a line, and the slope portion is shaded.
5–1b: Top Key, Bottom Key
Top Key [C–1...G9]
Specifies the top key (upper limit) of the notes that will
sound each timbre 1–8.
Bottom Key [C–1...G9]
Specifies the bottom key (lower limit) of the notes that will
sound each timbre 1–8.
It is not possible to set the bottom key above the top key
of the same timbre. Nor is it possible for the top and
bottom slopes to overlap.
X50: You can also set this parameter by holding down the
[ENTER] button and playing a note.
How volume will change according to keyboard location
■ 5–1: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)
Bottom Key
Bottom Slope
Top Key
Top Slope
Bottom Key Top Key
Bottom Slope
Top Slope