Hold Balance
Adjusts the volume of the Combi while preserving the vol-
ume balance between timbres 1–8.
Select the “Volume” of any timbre, choose “Hold Balance”
from the utility menu, and press the center of the ClickPoint.
A check mark will appear at the left of “Hold Balance.” (The
upper right of the LCD will indicate [Hold Bal.].)
In this state, adjusting any “Volume” value will simulta-
neously change the volume of the other timbres as well,
while preserving the volume balance between timbres 1–8.
0–4: Arp. A (Arpeggio Play A)
0–5: Arp. B (Arpeggio Play B)
Here you can select the arpeggiator settings for the combina-
tion. A combination can run two arpeggiators simulta-
Arpeggiator parameters can be edited in 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls,
but certain major parameters can be edited in these pages as
well. You can edit these parameters in realtime, for example
by changing the arpeggio pattern while playing in COMBI 0:
To save the edits you make, use “Write Combination.” The
arpeggiator can also be edited in realtime by the REALTIME
CONTROLS C-mode [TEMPO] knob, [ARP-GATE] knob,
[ARP-LENGTH] knob, and [ARP-VELOCITY] knob. (☞OG
0–4(5)a: Arpeggiator Run, Timbre assign
Arpeggiator Run A, B (Run A, B) [Off, On]
When the [ARP ON/OFF] button is on, any arpeggiator that
is checked here will run if it is assigned to a timbre in
“Assign” (7–1b).
Even if the arpeggiator is on, you can turn A and B on/off
This parameter can also be set from the 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls
Setup page.
Timbre assign
This displays the timbres 1–8 to which arpeggiators A and B
are assigned. This can be set in “Assign” (7–1b).
0–4(5)b: Arpeggiator A(B)
Pattern [Preset-0...Preset-4, U000...U250]
Reso (Resolution) [ , , , , , ]
Octave [1, 2, 3, 4]
Sort [Off, On]
Latch [Off, On]
Key Sync. [Off, On]
Keyboard [Off, On]
Sets the various parameters of the combination arpeggiator
(☞“PROG: Ed–Arp/Ctrls”).
These parameters can also be set in COMBI 7: Ed–Arp/
Ctrls, Arp.A, Arp.B page.
■ 0–4(5): UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre,” “Select by
Category” (0–1)
microX: 0–6: Ext. Control
External control lets you use the REALTIME CONTROLS
knobs to control an external MIDI device. You can assign a
MIDI control change and MIDI channel to each of the four
knobs, and switch between three such settings (A, B, C) to
control your external device. One set lets you transmit a
total of twelve (4 × 3) different MIDI control changes. These
are called “external control sets,” and you can choose from
64 such sets. (☞p.5)
This page only displays the settings that are assigned to
knob sets A, B, and C. Use Global mode to make exter-
nal control assignments.
0–6a: External Control
Ext. Control (Setup Select) [00...63]
Selects an external control set.
This setting is not written (saved) in the combination.
Select [A, B, C]
Shows the settings assigned to each knob of the external
control set. The currently-enabled set is highlighted. Use the
[SELECT] button to switch between groups (A, B, C).
MIDI Channel [01...16, Gch]
Indicates the MIDI channel
Gch: The message will be transmitted on the global MIDI
channel you specify in Global mode. The channel of all
knobs that are set to Gch can be changed simply by chang-
ing the global MIDI channel setting, instead of having to
change the channel of each knob individually.
CC# Assign [Off, 000...119]
Indicates the MIDI control change number transmitted by
the knob.
■ 0–6: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre,” “Select by
Category” (0–1)