Multi-Tech Systems RF310E Universal Remote User Manual

Chapter 4 - RASFinder Software
RF300E/RF310E 41
But if your local telephone company requires either SPIDs and/or Directory Numbers for the US
Parameters or ISDNs and Sub Addresses for the European Paramters, you will have to enter these
fields for each WAN port on the RASfinder. A word of caution at this point with respect to entering
this type of information, your need to ensure that these fields are filled in exactly as they are provided
from your local telephone company, because the SPID and DN or ISDN and sub address have to
correspond to the BRI line coming into the RASFinder and the WAN ports assigned to that BRI line.
For if the SPID or ISDN is not on the same BRI line that is provisioned by the local telephone
company, the call will not be completed.
A SPID (Service Profile Identifier) is a 12-digit number that is supplied by your local telephone
company which encompasses the phone number.
A Data or Voice Directory Number (DN) is the telephone number assigned to that B-channel for the
BRI line (telephone line) supplied to you by your local telephone company. If a DN is assigned, then
only the device associated with that WAN port will respond to the call.
In our RAS Application example in Figure 4-1, lets assume that telephone connection is being made
for a US (North American) network. During the provisioning phase of setting up the local ISDN
connection, the local telephone company assigned telephone number 716-5565 to the first B-channel
for BRI 1 connection. This telephone number should correspond to Wan 1 in the ISDN Parameter
Configuration dialog box. The SPID for the first B-channel is 0716556501. The telephone company
also assigned telephone number 716-5466 to the second B-channel for BRI 1 connection. The SPID
for the second B-channel is 0716546601. In our example application, the ISDN Parameter
Configuration dialog box for the US Parameters would contain Data SPID of 0716556501 and Voice
SPID of 0716546601. If you want either of these calls to be directed to the device connected to Wan
1 or Wan 2 you would also enter the telephone number in the Data or Voice Directory Num field. So
for example, if you wanted the Data SPID 0716556501 to be directed to the device on your network
associated with Wan 1, you would enter telephone number 7165565 in the Data Directory Num field
for Wan 1. If you wanted the calls directed to the second B-channel of BRI 1 to go to the device on
your network that is associated with Wan 2, you would enter telephone number 7165466 in the Voice
Directory Num field for Wan 1. When you have finished enterring the parameters for Wan 1, you click
the OK button and you will be returned to the dialog box with the ISDN TA Control group. You would
then change to the next Wan number to be configured in the ISDN Parameter Configuration dialog
box. When you have configured all three of the BRI port or the ports connected to the local
telephone company, you can begin setting up your Radius securtiy services.
To enable the Radius security services, you need to establish communications between the Radius
server and the RASFinder. The Radius security service options are defined on the Radius Setup