Technical information
Technical information
PJLink protocol
The network function of this projector supports the PJLink class 1, and the PJLink protocol can be used to
perform projector setting and projector status query operations from a computer.
Control commands
The following table lists the PJLink protocol commands that can be used to control the projector.
Control details Remark
POWR Power supply control
0 = Standby
1 = Power on
POWR? Power supply status query
0 = Standby
2 = Preparing to switch off
the projector
1 = Power on
3 = Warm-up in progress
INPT Input selection
33=SDI 1 (only for PT-DZ21KE, PT-DS20KE)
34=SDI 2 (only for PT-DZ21KE, PT-DS20KE)
INPT? Input selection query
AVMT Shutter control Parameters
30 = shutter function off (picture mute canceled)
31 = shutter function on (picture mute)
AVMT? Shutter status query
ERST? Error status query
1st byte: Indicates fan errors, range 0 - 2
2nd byte: Indicates lamp errors, range 0 - 2
3rd byte: Indicates temperature errors, range 0 - 2
4th byte: Fixed to 0
5th byte: Indicates lter errors, range 0 - 2
6th byte: Indicates other errors, range 0 - 2
Denitions for each value from 0 to 2 are as follows
0 = No error is detected 1 = Warning 2 = Error
LAMP? Lamp status query
1st digits (1 - 5 digits): Lamp 1 cumulative operating time
2nd digit: 0 = Lamp 1 off, 1 = Lamp 1 on
3rd digits (1 - 5 digits): Lamp 2 cumulative operating time
4th digit: 0 = Lamp 2 off, 1 = Lamp 2 on
5th digits (1 - 5 digits): Lamp 3 cumulative operating time
6th digit: 0 = Lamp 3 off, 1 = Lamp 3 on
7th digits (1 - 5 digits): Lamp 4 cumulative operating time
8th digit: 0 = Lamp 4 off, 1 = Lamp 4 on
INST? Input selection list query
Parameters are returned with the following values.
“11 12 21 31 32” (only for PT-DW17KE)
“11 12 21 31 32 33 34” (only for PT-DZ21KE, PT-DS20KE)
NAME? Projector name query
Returns the name set in [PROJECTOR NAME] of [NETWORK
INF1? Manufacturer name query Returns “Panasonic”.
INF2? Model name query Returns “DZ21KE”, “DS20KE”, “DW17KE”.
INF0? Other information queries Returns information such as version number.
CLSS? Class information query Returns “1”.