DRM-7000 Operating Instructions
If there is a disc in the specified slot, the disc is carried to the mail slot. The
mail slot tray opens and the following message appears on the LCD display.
Replace disc
& press ENT-key
If the specified slot is empty, the mail slot tray opens and the following
message appears on the LCD display.
Place a new disc
& press ENT-key
Place a disc on the mail slot tray and press the Enter button. The following
message appears on the LCD display:
The new disc is
moving to #***
When the slot holds the replacement disc, the LCD display changes to the
initial Swap message showing the next swappable slot.
To exit the mode, press the Enter button again. Remove
After selecting the Remove option, use the up and down arrow buttons to
specify the slot number. Press the Enter button to select the slot.
DiscNo.? #***
M ** - **
A slot must contain a disc in order to use this command. It the slot is empty or
is unknown to hold a disc when the Enter button is pressed, the message on
the LCD display remains unchanged.
The disc in the specified slot is carried to the mail slot. The mail slot tray
opens and the following message appears on the LCD display.
Remove the disc
& press ENT-key
Remove the disc from the open tray and press the Enter button again to close
the tray. After the disc is removed, the LCD display changes to the initial
Remove message listing the next appropriate slot.
To exit the mode, press the Enter button again. Add
After selecting the Add option, use the up and down arrow buttons to specify
the slot number. Press the Enter button to select the slot.
SlotNo.? #***
M ** - **
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