100 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Form <%1> does not exist or
is not accessible.
The specified form does not exist or is not
accessible. Verify that the form exists and
that the login used by the Integration
Engine service has permission to create,
modify, and delete requests.
No valid field mapping
rules are defined; daemon
cannot run.
No valid requests exist in the
corresponding mapping consoles for AR
and CMDB. Correct the existing requests’
rules, or create valid rules.
Failed to load message DLL
— <%1>.
The Integration Engine service could not
load the indicated message
.dll file.
Failed to delete request
<%1> for form <%2>.
The Integration Engine service could not
delete the specified request in the form.
The Integration Engine service deletes
requests that do not have a matching
primary form request. Make sure that the
account being used by the Integration
Engine service has permission to delete
One or more required
fields are missing from
form <%1>.
The specified form is missing one or more
required fields. Use the respective
Mapping Information windows for AR
System forms, CI classes, and relationship
classes to create or modify all the field
A fatal setup error
occurred; service cannot
run until it is corrected.
A nonrecoverable error occurred while the
Integration Engine service was being set
up to process requests. Previous messages
indicate what is wrong.
A setup error occurred;
the service will try again
at its next scheduled
A recoverable error occurred while the
Integration Engine service was being set
up to process requests. A previous
message indicates what is wrong.
Setup completed
successfully, starting to
process requests.
The Integration Engine service completed
setup and will begin a data exchange.
Failed to update form <%1>
request <%2>.
The Integration Engine service received an
error from the AR System server while
trying to update the indicated request in
the specified form.
Could not find the field
mapping name <%1> for
request <%2> in form <%3>
The Integration Engine service was unable
to locate the indicated field mapping name
in the specified form for the indicated
request. The request will not be updated.
No data was returned using
field mapping definition
<%1> for request <%2>
The Integration Engine service did not
receive data from the AR System server
for the indicated request.
BMC Remedy Link finished
processing requests <%1>.
Indicates that the Integration Engine
service completed a data exchange at the
indicated time.
Table 6-2: Log file messages
ID Number Message Description