102 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Debug messages
Debug messages help you detect errors and events in the data exchange process.
Integration Engine generates two types of debug files:
The eiemain.dbg file is a special, high-level debug file that records details and
problems with Integration Engine service. It does not record events that occur
for individual data exchanges.
After each data exchange starts, the Integration Engine service creates a unique
debug file for it. Debug files created to record debug events for individual data
exchanges follow this naming convention:
Using the <instance name>_eiemain.dbg debug file
When you start the Integration Engine service, you have the option of running it
with debugging enabled or not, depending on whether you specify the debug
startup parameters on the command line.
If you specify the debug startup parameters, the Integration Engine service creates
<instance name>_eiemain.dbg file on startup. If the
<instance name>_eiemain.dbg file is not created, useful diagnostic information
about the initialization errors is not recorded.
There is another Atrium
Integration Engine process
running on this machine,
engine exit.
Another Integration Engine process is
running on this machine, engine exit.
Active event request
without a configured data
exchange. Data exchange:
The data exchange is activated with
improper configuration.
%s adapter cannot obtain a
license as the maximum
number of exchange for a
Demo license has exceeded.
Data exchanges using that
adapter cannot run.
Adapter cannot obtain a license as the
maximum number of exchanges for a
Demo license has exceeded.
Table 6-2: Log file messages
ID Number Message Description