Chapter 1 Understanding Integration Engine 19
The data transfer process
The Integration Engine service can connect to any Windows or UNIX AR System
server. It does not need to reside on the same computer as the AR System server or
the external data stores, but can be on any computer that is network-connected to
both of these.
The Integration Engine service runs as a client to the AR System server using the
AR System application programming interface (API). For information about the
AR System API, see BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.1.00: C API Reference.
Event Request interface
You can execute a data exchange on an event-driven basis using the Event Request
interface. Each event-driven request is created as an entry in the Application
Pending form on the AR Server where the Data Exchange application is installed.
You create an event-driven request by directly creating an Application Pending
entry, by using AR System workflow to create the entry, or by invoking the
eiexfer utility.
The Integration Engine service processes requests at a scheduled interval
configured in the
eie.cfg file, regardless of which method was used to create the
requests. Optionally, the Integration Engine service can handle individual event
requests immediately if you enter them through the
eiexfer utility.
Adapter Development Kit interface
Integration Engine also has a special interface that allows it to interact with
adapters. The Adapter Development Kit interface is an interface built into
Integration Engine that allows Integration Engine to communicate with non-BMC
adapters. The Adapter Development Kit interface defines a set of C++ objects that
are used by the Integration Engine service to manage data exchanges that use these
The data transfer process
When you start Integration Engine, it locates data exchanges by reading entries in
the Data Exchange application. When Integration Engine detects a data exchange,
the Integration Engine service loads the adapter that is associated with that data
The adapter needs to be licensed before you can run it. You can design the adapter
to obtain a license that is specifically issued to it or get a license from a pool of
available adapter licenses issued to Integration Engine. If the license comes from a
pool of Integration Engine licenses, you can implement further license checking in
the adapter to prevent unauthorized use of the adapter.
If the adapter is not licensed, a log message is written to the EIE:Log form and the
Integration Engine log file indicating that the adapter is not licensed. After the
appropriate adapter is located and its license is verified, the adapter is loaded.