78 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Creating a request using the eiexfer utility
The eiexfer utility is an AR System client that opens a connection to AR System
and sets up the conditions for the transfer of data on an event-driven basis,
according to the parameters specified on the command line. Use this method if you
have a distributed environment and are submitting a request from a machine other
than the one running the Data Exchange application and the AR System server.
Whether you create requests using the Application Pending form or the
utility, all event-driven requests are written to the Application Pending form.
The Integration Engine service processes requests on the Application Pending
form on a scheduled interval that is configured in the
eie.cfg file (the
AsyncInterval parameter).
In addition to the scheduled interval, you can also configure the Integration Engine
service to process individual event requests immediately if you enter them
through the
eiexfer utility.
If your event-driven data exchange does not need to occur immediately, type your
request into the Application Pending form rather than invoking the
eiexfer utility
to improve performance.
By default, the
eiexfer utility for Windows is installed in the following directory:
<eie_install_dir>\service\bin\eiexfer.exe. However, you can manually move
eiexfer utility (and its supporting DLL files on Windows) to another machine.
X To create a request using the eiexfer utility
1 Navigate to the command line of the machine where you installed AR System and
the Data Exchange application.
2 Type the following command using the AR System parameters in Table 4-3, the
Data Exchange parameters in Table 4-4, and the optional immediate parameters in
Table 4-5 (if you want to run the data exchange request immediately).