18 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Data Exchange application
The Data Exchange application is a group of AR System forms that is available
from your AR System home page as the AIE Console link, and you use it to work
with these integration objects:
A data exchange is the object that you execute to move data with Integration
Engine, and a single execution of a data exchange is called a data transfer. A data
exchange specifies whether the external data store is the source or the target for
a data transfer, which adapter is used, how to connect to the external data store,
and the method used to execute the exchange. A data exchange also specifies the
conditions under which data is created, updated, and deleted.
You associate a data exchange with one or more data mappings to specify which
data is transferred.
A data mapping defines data to be transferred. It specifies the external file or
database table and the AR System form or BMC Atrium CMDB class between
which data is transferred, and defines the primary key that identifies a row of
data on either side. A data mapping specifies the fields or attributes to be
transferred from the source and maps them to fields or attributes in the target,
and specifies any fields or attributes in the source that should be updated when
a record in the target is created, updated, or deleted. A data mapping can limit
the rows of data to be transferred from the source, updated in the target, and
updated in the source by including queries for each of these things.
You use a data mapping by associating it with a data exchange.
The Data Exchange application also lets you perform the following configuration
Define external data store connection parameters for multiple data exchanges
Populate Integration Engine menus with the names of tables and columns from
external data stores to simplify the process of creating data mappings.
Specify the administrator user and online help path for the application.
View the Integration Engine instances you defined at installation time and edit
some settings for them.
Display version numbers for Integration Engine and related products.
Integration Engine service
The Integration Engine service obtains the defined data exchange from the Data
Exchange application and completes the transfer of data by communicating with
the adapter specified in the data exchange definition. Adapters are software, either
provided by BMC or custom built, that provides access to external data and
responds to calls from Integration Engine during a data exchange.