70 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Populating the rule control
You can append rules to the rule control on the Field Mapping, Response, Delete,
and Query tabs of the EIE:ARMappingInfo form by using the EIE:Rules form.
Customizing this control helps you add rules and functions that you often use.
Table 3-17 shows how this control is implemented on each tab.
For example, the following procedure describes how you can add a customized
rule that concatenates the first and last name fields.
X To populate the rule control
1 Log on to BMC Remedy User as an administrator.
2 Choose File > Open > Object List.
The Object List window appears.
Figure 3-6: Object List window
Select EIE:Rules.
Table 3-17: Rule control implementation
Tab Implementation
Data Field Mapping Rules list
Response Field Mapping Rules list
Delete Field Mapping Rules list
Query Rules list