Chapter 5 Running and configuring the Integration Engine service 93
Managing instances
X To edit and encrypt a password in the configuration file
Type the following command on the command line using the parameters in
Table 5-3:
<eie_install_dir>\service\bin\eiecfedit.exe -x <arsystem_name>
-s <arserver_name> -l <login_name>-p <password>
Managing instances
In the Instances Console, you can view and edit information about Integration
Engine instances.
X To modify an Integration Engine instance
1 On the navigation panel, click Configuration > Instances.
The Instances Console appears.
Figure 5-1: Instances Console
Table 5-3: eiecfedit parameters
Parameter Description
-x Indicates the server name that goes in
-s Indicates the server name specified during installation
when you are installing multiple instances on different
AR System servers.
-l Indicates the login name used to login to the AR System
-p Indicates the login password for a given login name.