54 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Target process command syntax (targetprocess|<command>)
The command that follows the pipe is run on the target database to obtain a value.
This syntax differs from the process command syntax in that Integration Engine
runs the command on the target database defined for this data exchange.
If the command has embedded
$-delimited field names, Integration Engine
obtains the value for the field from the source database and substitutes its value in
the command, which the target database then runs.
For example, in Table 3-8, Integration Engine replaces the values for
$keyName$ and
$field2$ with the actual data values in the source database before running the
process on the target database.
If/then/else syntax (STMT|<statement>)
This syntax allows you to use an if/then/else statement to obtain a value. You can
STMT only with character or selection fields in the target. The syntax is as
STMT|IF Condition THEN
The following conditions apply:
The line breaks following THEN and ELSE are required.
Condition is in the format $SourceField$ Operator Value. Operator must be one
=—SourceField matches Value
!=—SourceField does not match Value
LIKE—Any part of SourceField matches Value
Execution can be either an assignment or another IF block. Assignments must
be in the format
VALUE = value, with string values in double quotation marks.
Table 3-8: Target process command syntax example
Example Results
targetprocess| getlastupdate
Runs the command getlastupdate
on the target database, passing the
values from the source database for
$keyName$ and $field2$ as
parameters. The response from the
command is used