20 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
After this point, there are two phases to a data transfer: the initialization phase
where a data exchange is prepared to run, followed by the processing phase where
data is transferred.
The initialization phase
The initialization phase prepares a data exchange to run. Data is not actually
exchanged until the processing phase, which is described in the next section.
In the initialization phase, the Integration Engine service:
a Loads data exchange rules.
The Integration Engine service loads all the rules defined in the Data Exchange
application and prepares the C++ objects defined by the Adapter Developer Kit
interface. The C++ objects contain the data exchange definition, the data
mapping rules, and all adapter-defined configuration parameters and rules.
b Connects to data stores to validate rules.
The Integration Engine service connects to both the source and target data
stores. An AR System form or BMC Atrium CMDB class can serve as either the
source or the target.
The Integration Engine service does not transfer data at this point, but a
connection to both data stores is necessary to validate rules.
c Validates data exchange rules.
The Integration Engine service validates rules owned by Integration Engine.
During validation, the Integration Engine service indicates if any errors or
warnings were detected and if the rules are ready to be used in a data exchange.
At the same time, the adapter is called to validate adapter-owned rules. During
validation, the adapter indicates if any errors or warnings were detected and if
the rules are ready to be used in a data exchange.
d Disconnects from data sources.
After the rules are validated, the Integration Engine service disconnects from
both data sources.
e Starts a thread.
At the end of the initialization phase, the Integration Engine service starts a
thread to manage the data exchange process.