Chapter 6 Logging and debugging 99
Log messages
Table 6-2 lists log messages that you might receive during a data exchange. Some
messages contain placeholders, such as
%1, %2, and so on. These placeholders
represent text that is completed during run time. Next to each message
in Table 6-2, is a brief description of what caused the message to appear.
Table 6-2: Log file messages
ID Number Message Description
BMC Remedy Link starting
to process requests <%1>.
The Integration Engine service started a
data exchange session at the time
BMC Remedy Link
Terminating <%1>
An error condition caused the Integration
Engine service to terminate at the
indicated time.
No Field Mapping entries
defined for VendorApp:
No requests exist on the Data Field
Mapping tab of the EIE:ARMappingInfo
form for the Integration Engine service to
use. The Integration Engine service does
not process requests without field
mapping rules defined.
Malloc failed. The Integration Engine service ran out of
available memory and cannot continue.
This is a fatal error.
No Rules defined for field
mapping <%1>; field
mapping definition
No rules were defined for the specified
field mapping. The Integration Engine
service ignores this request and continues.
After rules are defined, the Integration
Engine service uses this request.
Failed to update form <%1>
request-id <%2>
The Integration Engine service received an
error while trying to process the specified
form and request ID. An additional error
message precedes this error, indicating
that a call to the AR System server failed.
Failed to create request
in form <%1>.
The Integration Engine service received an
error from the AR System server that was
trying to create a request in the specified
Failed to add request <%1>
to form <%2>
The Integration Engine service received an
error while trying to add a unique
identifier to the specified form. Additional
errors precede this one, indicating which
calls to the AR System server failed.
Failed to open
configuration file <%1>.
The Integration Engine service could not
find or open eie.cfg. Verify that the
configuration file exists and is accessible.
Required configuration
parameter is missing —
The specified configuration parameter
was missing or typed incorrectly. Add or
correct the entry in