96 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
X To change your AR System password in the eie.cfg file
1 Run the eiecfedit command line utility located in $AIE_HOME/service/bin.
This utility helps set the encrypted password in the
eie.cfg file and ensures the
utility can be run on UNIX as well.
To run this utility on UNIX, you must set a library path.
The following prompt appears:
usage: -s <AR server(During Installation)> -n <Port Number (During
Installation)> -x <AR Server> -l <user name> -p <password>
-s <AR Server> Server name given during EIE Installation (mandatory)
-n <Port Number> Port given during EIE Installation (default 0)
-x <AR System> Server name which goes in eie.cfg file
-1 <user name> is the logon name used to log on to the AR System
-p <password> is the user’s password
2 Change the user name and password.