66 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Click Load Table & View Names.
All the tables and views from the user database are populated in the Available
Tables and Views list.
9 From the Available Tables and Views list, select the table or view, and click Add.
The table or view is added to the Selected Tables and Views list.
10 Click Update Columns.
The rule menus with your table and view names are populated into the
EIE:VendorFieldNames form. This form provides the field names to the rule
menus in the data mapping windows.
Populating SQL field information for multiple external
data tables using a Windows-based application
The following steps describe how you populate SQL fields for multiple external
data tables using a Windows-based application. For example,
X To populate SQL field information for multiple external data tables using a
Windows-based application
1 Choose Start > Run from the Windows start menu.
The Run dialog box appears.
2 In the Open field, browse to select the path for running the Rule Helper utility.
The utility is located at <AIE_install_dir>\bin\rlshelper.exe.
The Rule Helper window appears.
The Main tab appears by default.