
Chapter 3 Defining rules and queries 61
Using the adapter rule helper utilities
From the Available Tables and Views list, select the table or view, and click Add.
The table or view is added to the Selected Tables and Views list.
6 Click Update Columns.
The rule menus with your table and view names are populated into the
EIE:VendorFieldNames form. This form provides the field names to the rule
menus in the data mapping windows.
Populating DB2 field information for external data tables
using a command line
The following steps describe how you populate DB2 fields for multiple external
data tables and single external data tables using a command line.
X To populate DB2 field information for multiple external data tables using a
command line
1 Type the following command:
db2helper -ax <ARServername>-ar 0 -al <Demo> -ap <> -da <DB2Alias> -
dl<DB2Login> -dp <DB2Password> -to <DB2User or DB2Owner> -di
<DB2InstanceName> -d
2 After you execute the command, click Refresh Table List on the Database Field
Menus Console window.
The Available Tables and Views list should now be populated.
3 From the Available Tables and Views list, select the table or view, and click Add.
The table or view is added to the Selected Tables and Views list.
4 After the Selected Tables and Views list is populated with table names, then use
the following command to populate the table fields in the EIE:VendorFieldnames
db2helper -ax <ARServername>-ar 0 -al <Demo> -ap <> -da <DB2Alias> -
dl<DB2Login> -dp <DB2Password> -di <DB2InstanceName> -c
X To populate DB2 field information for single external data tables using a
command line
Type the following command:
db2helper -ax <ARServername>-ar 0 -al <Demo> -ap <> -da <DB2Alias> -
dl<DB2Login> -dp <DB2Password> -di <DB2InstanceName> -to <Table Owner> -
tn <Table Name> -c
You must use three additional parameters:
-c (Create menu to EIE:VendorFieldNames form)
-to (Table Owner)—Valid table name in capital letters.
-tn (Table Name)—Valid table name owned by the table owner mentioned in the
-to parameter.