525 Programmable Motion Controller
Analog Mode (Velocity or Torque)
In the Analog mode (torque or velocity) the servo amplifier responds to a
conventional ±10 volt DC signal. Most variable speed drives and servo amplifiers on
the market today receive commands via this type of signal.
When the DIP switches are set to enable the analog mode the display character of
the 525 PMC will be an (A). In analog mode a 0 to 10 volt command signal is
equated to 0 to maximum velocity or peak torque.
The 525 PMC can receive external input commands and serial commands while in
analog mode. For example: When in analog mode and you initiate an index, home
or jog command via an input the (A) on the diagnostic display will be replaced with
an (E) and the requested motion occurs. Upon completion of the requested motion
the 525's operating mode will automatically change back to analog mode (A).
You can also temporally change the operating mode by sending an SC=1 (serial
command) to the 525 PMC. This would disable analog control and enable serial
control displaying an (E.) on the diagnostic display at which time the 525 PMC
would be able to receive motion commands via serial commands or inputs. Upon
completion of the requested motion the 525's operating mode will automatically
change back to analog mode (A). To change the 525's operating mode serially, use
the SC=0 command.
In either of the two analog modes of operation a ±10 VDC signal is equated to either
(CW) or (CCW) maximum programmed velocity in the velocity mode or CW or CCW
full peak torque rating in the torque mode. The mode of operation can be selected
via the mode select switches on the front of the 525 PMC.
NOTE: CW rotation is defined while facing the shaft end of the motor.
Figure 22 Analog Velocity/Torque Mode