General A016-1CG-1.00-2
Chapter 5: Configuring the C3000/C0300
DPA A016_GRP Table
This chapter describes entries the user must provide in the A016_GRP table found in the
C3000/C0300 DPA configuration.
The A016_GRP table provides information for groups of points associated with LRUs, which are
used by the C3000/C0300 DPA. It contains one record for each group of points configured, for
database customization. The fields contained in the table are described in the following table:
Table 6 A016_GRP Table Fields
Field Range Description
Group Number 0 to 15 The group number of the group of points referenced by this record.
Scan Offset Indexes into A016SCAN
The one based offset from the first entry in the A016SCAN table. The
A016SCAN table is described in a later chapter.
Scan Count
0 to 32
The number of A016SCAN records which correspond to this group. This
entry is used in conjunction with the Scan Offset entry to determine the
exact range of records in the A016SCAN table that this group is to utilize.
Possible entries accepted by the C3000/C0300 DPA are from 0 to 32, but the
entered value, plus the Scan Offset entry, must not exceed the number of
records in the A016SCAN table.
T/C Offset Indexes into A016_TC table. The one based offset from the first entry in the A016
TC table. The
TC table is described in a later chapter.
T/C Count 0 to 12 The number of A016_TC records which correspond to this group. This entry
is used in conjunction with the T/C Offset entry to determine the exact
range of records in the A016_TC table that this group is to utilize.
Possible entries accepted by the C3000/C0300 DPA are from 0 to 12, but the
entered value, plus the T/C Offset entry, must not exceed the number of
records in the A016_TC table.
R/L Offset Indexes into A016_RL table. The one based offset from the first entry in the A016_RL table. The
A016_RL table is described in a later chapter.